Before I get into this issue, I want to start by saying: The Lolita Pattern Archive Project is daunting. There are so many issues to comb through, so many patterns to decide on whether or not they are worthy of being preserved for reprinting with grading.

Volume 26, for instance, had a questionable ensemble that more closely resembled Ero-Lolita (which is controversial for SO many reasons) and had such a strange construction that I had a lot of trouble figuring out correct placements. It didn’t seem to have any designer’s name attached to it, and really felt like a “failed” piece to me. The skirt is so short, I’m not even sure who would wear it.

In THIS issue, however – which is ironically an earlier one to #26 – we have something I haven’t really seen in many (if any) of the issues for Gothic and Lolita Bible: drafting diagrams. The same kind we see in Gosu Rori and Otome no Sewing. Magic!

There is one wrinkle in this one, though: I don’t physically own this copy. As grateful as I am to at least have the scans for cataloguing, some of the diagram numbers are cut off from view. Numbers make things SO much more accurate, and actually these pieces are quite workable.

Please let me know if you happen to own a copy of this issue, and maybe you can help a sister out by clarifying what some of those mystery numbers are!